Название: Английский язык

Жанр: Филология


Просмотров: 2938

Signs in the wilderness

by Eugene Linden

Para. 1 (rearranging facts in chronological order)

1. Lucy was bom in ________ (year).

2. When the article was written, Lucy was ________

yrs. old.

3. If she survives for the normal lifespan of a chimp, she will, die in ________ at me age of_______.

4. She lived in Oklahoma from ______ until _____

(between the ages of_______ and________ ).

5. She first met another chimp in _____, at the age of

6. She became famous in ___________ when she


7. She was taken to the wilderness in________, at the age of

8. When the article was written she had been living in the wilderness for_________ years .

Final paragraph (implications)

1. Describe the ethos of our time. (What does the writer tell us about it, by implication?)

2. Language is something ______,(whereas we normally think of it as _______ ).

3. We use language as a way of distinguishing between ourselves and_______; (theproper function of language is_______).

4. «Being a chimp» or «being human» is not a condition determined by_________(as we normally think it is) but rather,____ (and this fact is_______)

5. Human beings have the power arbitrarily to___.(Should we have this power?______________)

6. The relationship between the human species and the rest oftheanimals is________________________)

This relationship should be______________.)

7. We played a role in determining Lucy's fate that is properly the role of_______________________.)


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