Название: Английский язык

Жанр: Филология


Просмотров: 2938

What is a historical fact?

(Exercise A)

Figurative Language

In Column 1 you will find 10 examples of figurative language used by the author.

From Column 2 choose the sentence that best reflects the meaning of the quote from the text. Record the letter of your choice in the space provided before the sentence in Column 1.


what the author says...        

1. certain basic facts... form     

2. To praise a historian for his   accuracy is like praising architect for using wall-seasoned timber … in his building (13-16).

3. These so-called basic facts ...   belong to the category of the raw materials of historian (25-27).

4. The facts speak for themselves (31-32).

5. The facts speak only when the historian calls on them (31, 32).

6. A fact is like a sack — it won't stand up until you put something in it (34-36).

7. The records of...history are starred with lacunae.

8. Historyhas been called an ennormous jig-saw with a lot of missing parts (70-71).

9. The dead hand of vanished generations of historians...has determined beyond the possibility of appeal the pattern of the past (99-101).

10. They (the facts of history) are always refracted through the mind of the recorder (103-104).



he means...

a. The facts are important  when the historian thinks they are.

There are some qualities an in the facts themselves which make them seem important.

There are certain facts which the historian can make use of in developing his theories.

d. There are certain essential facts which give history its structure.

e. The facts of history are influenced by the mental processes of the historian.

f. Historical writing presents an incomplete record.

g. A fact is meaningless until you interpret it.

h. One expects the historian to use verified, reliable facts in his writing.

    d.We cannot challenge conceptions of the past because we are limited to the facts presented by writers of the past.

 j. History is an attempt to reconstruct the past without having complete information.


(Exercise B)

1. What is the «commonsense view» of the title question?

2. What are the author's two observations regarding the commonsense view? Quote the sentences that best sum up his points and give line numbers.




3. According to the author, accuracy for a historian is (circle one) :

a virtue but not a necessity

necessary and therefore a virtue

necessary but not sufficient

4. a. What are the «auxiliary sciences» (1.19) for the historian?

b. What is the role of these «auxiliary sciences» for the historian?

5. The reader's arrival in «this building» (1.42) is an example of what? .

6. According to paragraph one, what makes a fact historical?

7. What single sentence in paragraph one best states the main idea presented in the paragraph? lines:_____ First three words:

Para.2 — end of text

8. When he was a student, Carr never thought about those facts that once must have been known but were________

9. What distinction does Carr make between the study of ancient or medieval history and modern history?

10. In 11.72 Carr says «But the main trouble does not consist in the lacunae». In what does the main trouble consist?

11. a. According to paragraph 2, why might students of history think the people of the Middle Ages were deeply concerned with religion?

b. Why does Carr say he wonders if perhaps the people of the Middle Ages were not deeply concerned with religion? (11.85-86)

12. The «intelligent undergraduate» who consults with his fellow student about «Jones» (1. 113-114) is following what recommendation of Carr's?

13. Express Carr's «second point» (1. 132) as a recommendation to a historian.

14. Burckhardt, in making the remark about the Thirty Years War (11.140-143), is an example of (circle one):

a. a historian bound by the views of his own age

b. a historian entering the minds of the people he is studying

15. One problem of the historian is that man is neither_________________________________________


16. Indicate whether Carr would AGREE or DISAGREE with the following statement. (Quote the lines in the text which support your answer).

Using the language and concepts of the period he is writing about enables the historian to be objective, first word______; last word________ — lines:_____

17. Based on this text, what advice do you think Carr might give to a young historian starting out today?

18. Read «What is a Journalist's "Fact"?» in Part III above.

a. What similarities do you see between Carr's ideas and those of Cockbum?

b. What similarities do you see between the writing styles of Carr and Cockbum?


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