Название: Тесты по английскому языку для школьных олимпиад

Жанр: Филология


Просмотров: 2780

Test 18

I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

The famous J. Swift was once travelling with his servant. They put up at a small hotel where they spent the night. In the morning Swift asked for his boots. The servant immediately brought them to him. When Swift saw the dirty boots he asked, "Why haven't you cleaned them?" — "I haven't cleaned them," replied the servant, "because you are going to ride and they will soon be dirty again." — "Very well", said Swift, "go and get the horses ready." While the servant was away, Swift told the landlord not to give the servant any breakfast. When the servant returned he was surprised but Swift said, "You haven't had your breakfast because we are going to ride and soon you will be hungry again."


1. Why did Swift order to leave his servant without breakfast?

2. Did Swift treat his servant kindly?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому членупредложения.

They put up at a small hotel.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.

Once Mark Twain (1 — go) from the north of England to Manchester by train. He (2 — be) very tired and (3 — want) to go to bed. So he (4 — ask) the guard to wake him up when they (5 — come) to Manchester. "If I (6— sleep) when you (7—.come) up to me, I (8 — be) angry," he (9 — say). "But even if I (10 - be) angry, please throw me out of the train." The guard (11 — agree) and Mark Twain (12 — go) to bed.

When he (13 — wake) up it (14 — be) morning. People (15 — walk) in the corridor, a boy (16— cry) and his mother (17 — try) to make him quiet. Mark Twain (18 — put), on his clothes and (19 — go) out in the corridor. The guard (20 — talk) to a man and Mark Twain (21 — go) up to him.

"(22 — come) we to Manchester yet?" he (23 — ask).

"We (24— pass) Manchester two hours ago," the guard (25 — answer).

"What!" Mark Twain (26 - shout). "Why you not (27 - tell) me, you (28 — forget) that I (29 — ask) you?"

The guard (30 — surprise). "You (31 — be) the American who (32 — ask) to wake him up when we (33 — come) to Manchester?" he (34 — ask).

"Yes, of course," Mark Twain (35 — say).

The guard (36 — continue), "Oh, now I (37 — understand) why the man (38 — shout) and (39 — fight) when I (40 — throw) him out of the train in Manchester.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. School year begins on ... 1st of September.

a) — , b) a, c) an, d) the.

2. ... our English classes we speak a lot.

a) On, b) At, c) In, d) For.

3. ... is knocking at the door.

a) Some, b) Somebody, c) Anybody, d) Nobody.

4. We'll wait... everybody comes.

a) till, b) before, c) unless, d) if.

5. Everybody says the film is worth ... .

a) see, b) to see, c) seeing, d) to be seen.

6. ... nothing interesting to see and we left.

a) There was, b) It was, c) It is, d) There is.

7. According to the weather forecast tomorrow will be ... warmer than today.

a) yet, b) still, c) more, d) just.

8. ... people can understand classical music.              :

a) Few, b) A few, c) Little, d) A little.

9. I wish I ... a poet.

a) am, b) was, c) have been, d) were.

10. Martin Eden ... by Jack London.

a) wrote, b) was written, c) has written, d) is writing.

11. The road is wet. It must ... .

a) rain, b) rained, c) raining, d) have been raining.

12. ... through the magazine I decided to buy it.

a) Looked, b) Having looked, c) Looking,, d) Being looked.

13. She couldn't remember ... such aquestion.

a) ask, b) to ask, c) asked, d) being asked.

14. What are you ... ?

a) saying, b) telling, c) speaking, d) talking.

15. This money ... quite enough for everything. a) are, b) is, c) were, d) have been.

16. Sam had to cook breakfast himself, ... ?

a) hadn't he, b) had he, с) didn't he, d) did he.

17. We didn't know what time ... .

a) it is, b) it was, c) is it, d) was it.

18. Next week we ... here for 2 years.

a) are, b) will be, c) have been, d) shall have been.,

19. When David came, everybody ... .

a) examined, b) was examined, c) was examining, d) had been examined.

20. Hepromised tolet us know if anything ... .

a) changes, b) changed, c) will change, d) change.

V. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Кажется, мы с вами где-то встречались.

2. Что ты собираешься делать, когда закончишь школу?

3. Мы проголодались и остановились перекусить.

4. Ей следует читать больше литературы в оригинале.

5. Телевизор надо починить.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. The language spoken in Scotland is ... .

a) Scot, b) Scottish, c) Scotch, d) Scotland's.

2. The oldest university in Britain is ....

a) London, b) Cambridge, c) Oxford, d) Edinburgh.

3. The financial centre of London is ... .

a) the West End, b) the East End, c) Westminster, d) the City.

4. Which party is in power in Great Britain now?

a) the Labour, b) the Conservative, c) the Liberal, d) the Social-Democratic.

5. The telephone number to call for emergency services in Britain is ... .

a) 03, b) 09, c) 911, d) 999.

Оцените книгу: 1 2 3 4 5