Название: Педагогическая антропология - Бим-Бад Б.М.

Жанр: Педагогика


Просмотров: 855

Livingstone Richard Winn, Sir, 1880—1960. On education, Cambridge, 1960. Loch Werner. Lebenslauf und Erziehung, Essen, 1979; Modelle padagogischen Verstehens, Essen, 1978; Die anthropologische Dimension der Padagogik, Essen, 1968.

Lohde Richard. Die anthropologie Pascals; eine Strukturstudie zur Theorie der Menschenkenntnis, Halle/Saale, 1936.

Lombard Jacques, 1926. L'anthropologie britannique contemporaine, Paris, 1972.

Lombardo-Radice Giuseppe. Didatica viva: problemi ed esperienze, Firenze, 1951.

Lomny Zygmunt. Czlowiek i edukacja wobec przemian globalnych, Opole, 1995.

Lorenz Karl. Innate basis of learning, Harvard, 1969. Lovejoy Arthur Oncken, 1873—1962. The great chain of being: a study of the history of an idea, Cambridge, Mass., 1970.

Ludojoski Roque Luis, 1930. Antropogogia: o, La educacion del hombre: introduccion al problema de la antropologia educativa en la perspectiva de la educacion permanente, Buenos Aires, 1978.

Lukacs John Adalbert, 1924. Historical consciousness, or The remembered past, New York, 1985.

*Luria Alexandre R. The nature of human conflicts, New York, 1932. Lutze Katinka. WagnisVertrauen: das Verhaltnis des Menschen zum Fremden in der anthropologischen Padagogik Otto Friedrich Bollnows, Eitof, 1996.

Lyotard Jean Francois, 1924. The hyphen, Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1998; Postmodern fables, Minneapolis, Minn., 1997; Lessons on the analytic of the sublime, Stanford, Calif., 1994; Moralites postmodernes, Paris, 1993;

Toward the postmodern, Atlantic Highlands, N.J., 1993; The postmodern explained to children, Engl. transl. Sydney, 1992; Lectures d'enfance, Paris, 1991; The inhuman: reflections on time, Engl. transl. Cambridge, 1991.




Macha Hildegard, 1946. Padagogisch-Anthropologische Theorie des Ich, Bad Heilbrunn, 1989.

Major trends and issues in early childhood education: challenges, controversies, and insights / ed. Joan P. Isenberg; Mary Renck Jalongo; forew. Sue Bredekamp, New York, 1997.

Malinowski Bronismw Kasper. Crime and custom in savage society, Totowa, N.Y., 1989; Freedom and civilization, Westport, 1976.

Malraux Andre, 1901—1976. Les voix du silence, Paris, 1951; La condition humaine, Paris, 1933.

Man in adaptation: the cultural present, the biological background, 2 v., Chicago, 1974.

Mandeville Bernard de, c. 1670—1733. The fable of the bees, or Private vices, public benefits / ed. Phillip Harth, Harmondsworth, 1970.

*Marcel Gabriel. The participant perspective, Lanham, MD, 1987; Man against mass society / Engl. transl., Lanham, MD, 1985; The mystery of being, Lanham, MD, 1983; En chemin, vers quel eveil?, Paris, 1971.

Mariana Juan de, 1536—1624. The king and the education of the king, Engl. trans. Washington, 1948.

Mario Mouzinho. Antropologia da educacao: documentos de base na analise social, Maputo [Mozambique], 1978.

Marion Henri, 1846—1896. L'education des jeunes filles, Paris, 1902; L'education dans 1'universite, Paris, 1892; Devoirs et droits de 1'homme, Paris, 1883.

*Maritain Jacques. Education at the crossroads, New Haven, Conn., 1966; Pour une philosophie de 1'education, Paris, 1959.

Marks Joel 1949. The ways of desire: new essays in philosophical psychology on the concept of wanting, Chicago, 1986.

Marshall James D. Michel Foucault: personal autonomy and education, Dordrecht ; Boston, 1996.

Marz Fritz, 1934. Padagogische Anthropologie, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1978.

*Maslow Abraham Harold. Future visions: the unpublished papers of Abraham Maslow / ed. Edward Hoffman, Thousand Oaks, 1996; The farther reaches of human nature, New York, 1993; Motivation and personality, New York, 1987.

Mason Steve. The human being: a warrior's journey toward peace and mutual healing, New York, 1990.

Matthews Gareth В., 1929. The philosophy of childhood, Cambridge, Mass., 1996; Philosophieren mit Kindern, Rostock, 1996; Dialogues with children, Cambridge, Mass., 1984; Philosophy and the young child, Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

Maurer Friedmann. Lebessinn und Lernen: zur Anthropologie der Kindheit und des Jugentaltres, Bad Heilbrunn/Obb., 1992.

Mauss Marcel, 1872—1950. The gift, London; New York, 1989; Sociologie et anthropologie, Paris, 1985; Sociology and psychology, London; Boston, 1979.

Maxwell Margaret. Human evolution: a philosophical anthropology, New York, 1984.

McCadden Brian M., 1964. It's hard to be good: moral complexity, construction, and connection in the kindergarten classroom, New York, 1997.

McCormack A.E. Coping with your handicapped child, London, 1985.

McMillan Margaret, 1860—1931. Education through imagination, London, 1905.

Mead George Herbert, 1863—1931. The philosophy of the present, Chicago, 1980.

Medici Angela. L'education nouvelle, Paris, 1970.

Meiklejohn Alexander, 1872—1964. Education between two worlds, Freeport, N.Y., 1972.

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