Название: Организационная психология - Занковский А.Н.

Жанр: Психология


Просмотров: 2072

[479] O'Reilly C. A. Individuals and information load in organizations: Is more necessarily better? //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 23, 1980. P. 684—696.

[480] Porter L. W. & Roberts К. Н. Organizational communication //Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology /Ed. by M. Dunnette. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976.


[481] Faucheux C. & MacKenzie K. Task depending on organizational centrality: Its behavioral consequences //Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, No 2, 1966 P. 361—375. Guetzkow H., & Simon H. R. The impact of certain communication nets upon organization and performance in task-oriented groups //Management Science, No 1, 1955. P. 233-250; Mulder M. Communication structure, decision structure, and group performance //Sociometry, Vol.23, I960. P. 1— 14.


[482] Tichy N. М., Tushman M. L., & Fombrun С. J. Social network analysis for organizations //Academy of Management Review, No 4, 1979. P. 507—519; Tichy N. M., Tushman M. L. & Fombrun C. J. Social network analysis for organizations //Academy of Management Review, No 4, 1979. P.507—519.


[483] Katz R. & Tushman M. Communication patterns, project performance, and task characteristics: An empirical evaluation and integration in an R & D setting // Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 23, 1979. P. 139—162; Tushman M. L. Technical communication in research and development laboratories: Impact of project work characteristics IIAcademy of Management Journal, Vol. 21, 1978. P. 624—645; Tushman M. L. Work characteristics and subunit communication structure: A contingency analysis //Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 24, 1979. P. 82—97; Tushman M. L. Impacts of perceived environmental variability on patterns of work-related communication //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 22, 1979. P. 482—500.


[484] Wickesberg А. К. Communication networks in the business organization structure // Academy of Management Journal, No 11, 1968. P. 253-262.


[485] Jacobson E. & Seashore S. Communication practices in complex organizations //Journal of Social Issues, No 7. 1951. P. 28—40; Davis K. Management communication and the grapevine //Harvard Business Review, Vol. 31, 1953. P. 43—49; Sutton H. & Porter L. W. A study of the grapevine in a governmental organization //Personnel Psychology. Vol. 21,1968. P. 223—-230.


[486] Davis K. Management communication and the grapevine //Harvard Business Review,Vol. 31, 1953. P. 43—49.


[487] Sutton Н, & Porter L. W. A study of the grapevine in a governmental organization // Personnel Psychology, Vol. 21. 1968. P. 223--230.


[488] Davis К. Management communication and the grapevine // 1953.P.43—49.

//Harvard Business Review, Vol.31.


[489] Galbraith J. Designing complex organizations. Menlo Park, Calif: Addison-Weslcy, 1973; Huge J., Aiken M. & Marrett C. Organization structure and communication / /American Sociological Review, Vol. 36, 1971. P. 860---871; Simpson R. L. Vertical and horizontal communication in formal organizations //Administrative Science Quarterly, No 4, 1959. P. 188—196.


[490] Shaw M. Communication networks //Advances in experimental social psychology /Ed. by L. Berkowitz. Vol. 1, N.Y.: Academic Press, 1964; Smith C. G., & Brown M. E. Communication structure and control Structure in a voluntary association //Sociometry, Vol. 27, 1964. P. 449-468.


[491] Русалов В. М. Психофизиологические основы взаимодействия темперамента и общих способностей человека /В кн.: Проблемы психологии личности. — М.: Наука, 1982. С. 198— 305.


[492] Ломов Б. Ф. Методологические и теоретические проблемы психологии. М.: Наука, 1984; Асеев В. Г. Мотивация поведения и формирование личности. М.: Мысль, 1976; Платонов К. К. Структура и развитие личности. М.: Наука, 1986; Левонтин Р. Человеческая индивидуальность: наследственность и среда. М.: Прогресс, 1993; Mischel W. Introduction to Personality. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993; Feshbach 5. & Warner B. Personality. Lexington, MA: Health, 1991.


[493] Подробная библиография этих исследований представлена в книге Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology //Ed. by M. D. Dunnеttе. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1976.


[494] Мерлин В. С. Очерк интегрального исследования индивидуальности. М.: Педагогика,, 1986; Стрелку Я. Роль темперамента в психическом развитии. М.: Прогресс, 1982; Русалов В. М. О взаимоотношении свойств темперамента и эффективности индивидуальной и совместной деятельности //Психологический журнал,Т. 3, № 6, 1982.

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